- Cell-954-235-5876
- 2254 Seagrape Cir., Coconut Creek FL 33066
- NA
- blamendola@hotmail.com
Hear Us and See Us
"Days of Wine and Roses" ~ From the movies, played live in Miami.
"Autumn Leaves" ~Jazz standard, played live in Miami.
If the above ink does not connect, go to www.soundcloud.com/user-565119923
"Stella by Starlight" ~ Ballad by Victor Young.
"Cherokee" ~ Swing by Ray Noble.
"Canteloupe Island" ~ Jazz/R&B by Herbie Hancock.
"Joy Spring" ~ Horn bebop by Clifford Brown.
"Footprints" ~ Jazz waltz by Wayne Shorter.
"Lucky Southern" ~ Bossa nova by Keith Jarrett.
"Days of Wine and Roses" ~ Swingy stuff by Henry Mancini
"Estate (Summer)" ~ Beautiful ballad by Bruno Martino
"There Will Never Be Another You" ~ Racin' fast by Harry Warren

L-R Bob LaMendola, Junior Romero, Debbie Orta and Eloy Oliveros